Monthly Archives: October 2023

Oops o_O

So, somewhere near the end of August (Monday, August 28th to be exact . . .) – my brain decided that the correct progression of numbers is 238, 239, 290, 291, etc. If any of you noticed that and tried to tell me, I apologize for missing your message >_<

SO – going back and trying to correct all that would be a bit. Instead, you’ll see the missing numbers over the course of the rest of this month and into next – and then I’ll be switching back when it *REALLY IS* Day 336 *sigh*

If you’ve been with me for any amount of time, you know this can sometimes be a haphazard affair. It’s a one-man show, and sometimes life blindsides you in a dark alley and you do your best to keep at it ^_^; I go back and fill in the gaps, but this time the patchwork is going to be a bit more obvious.

Hope you all are holding in there, and that every day brings you another shinee to help you through.